I started my journey as a foodie! At a young age, I loved trying new things and embark on different ideas which lead me to become a chef. I earned my degree in Culinary Arts in 2000 where I learned different styles and ethnic cuisines. I started my career in corporate companies and continued my corner in hotels and sports arenas and stadiums as an Executive Chef. I have familiarized myself with the ins and outs of the food industry and have had the opportunity to recognize what we are feeding and being fed.
In 2006 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. After visiting a few specialists, by 2009 I was now diagnosed with an eye condition called Iritis, inflammation that affects your eye’s iris. If left untreated, it can lead to vision loss. After many medical appointments and going through some rigorous tests as to why my eyes were manifesting such symptoms, it turned out I had undiagnosed issues like H pylori and AS (ankylosis spondylitis) due to the HLA-B27 gene which is all autoimmune diseases. I was suddenly facing all these medical challenges, all because of an imbalanced immune system. I decided to educate myself and do the research to understand my condition. Slowly made changes and take an alternative approach towards more natural remedies. I ventured on the juicing craze, underwent a food elimination process, made small steps that led to larger gradual changes. My immune system became more balanced to the point of no longer suffering from h pylori, all by incorporating fitness and avoiding foods that can trigger such symptoms. I finally felt like I was gaining control of my health.
We want to share with many as possible the benefits of living a more holistic lifestyle, to live, feel great and be happier! We welcome you to our continued journey. Eat pure, heal right and live whole!
Yours in health,
P.S. Your fury-friend is welcome to join you in the studio too!
Certified Holistic Health Coach, Fitness Trainer & Executive Chef